
The Scoop on the Coop - Part One

It's Done!!!
Well I still have a little painting to do...wouldn't be our kind of project if it wasn't unfinished! This coop minus the roof has been in our garage since January! And for the last couple weeks...it had the chickens in it! Read more on baby chick care and our chicken chronicles here. So if you remember from before...we built our coop ourselves almost by ourselves with the help of Matt's dad. Since we only have 3 chicks we didn't need a huge coop..our city only lets us have 4 anyway...so I came up with a design based off hours on Internet research. The best part about this coop was the fact it was mostly free...that's right a free chicken coop! Matt's dad had a barn full of reclaimed wood! Even the roof material was a leftover from a previous family project.

I plan on posting "part two" with plans and a simple tutorial if you want to make your own chicken coop!
The overall construction is pretty simple! My favorite part was a last minute modification of a drawer....poop drawer. After cleaning this baby out and trying to sweep chicken poop from tight corners...I made a quick sketch and sent hubs to the hardware store ... no reclaimed wood for that part :(  Now I can just pull it out and dump it...no heavy cleaning required!

"ahhhh..... we're outside!"

poop drawer!

Stay tuned! I hope to have the construction and tutorial posted tomorrow!

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1 comment:

  1. Fantastic job on the coop! It looks great. The "drawer" was an awesome idea - you should patent that one :) It looks like your pets will be well protected from predators and weather.
