I actually made this a few years back when we first bought our home. I wanted something colorful and BIG. I first thought about buying canvases and trying to piece something together, but as you artsy people know canvases can be really expensive!

While working on other another project, replacing all the old roller window shades with wood blinds, I was on my way to the garage to throw yet another white roller shade in our "demo" pile when it hit me...This 36"x72" white roller shade is a HUGE canvass. I began rooting through the other items in the demo pile finding a ton of 1x2's that we once braces for closet shelves. I called for reinforcement (the Hubs) and quickly sketched out the plan. He grabbed the miter saw and got right to work! <---Ha Ha yeah right...but he was on board and got it done.
Meanwhile I drug the shade back inside to the living room floor and began grabbing random cans of paint. I used wall colors from every room in the house. I thought this would tie everything together nicely. It only took a few minutes and no artist skills where needed!
When my husband was finished creating the frames I sliced the shade with my kitchen scissors, then wrapped each frame and went to town with the staple gun!
To finish the edges and give them a gallery look I simply taped (with black electrical tape) all around the perimeter.

You don't need a roller shade and scrap lumber to do this too....
You could......
go to Hobby Lobby and buy these and create your own sizes
Buy a few 1x2's
use fabric or paper instead of a roller shade
use wood planks in different size widths
I am linking this to the Sunday showcase party here
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