
Monsters for my monsters....

The Boys (#1&#2) are having their birthday party this Saturday and I am scrambling to get the "party favors" -that I almost forgot about-done. Lucky Kohen reminded me when I overheard him telling his friend about them. I got the idea months ago to have a "monster mash" for their party...but then we switched to a swim party due to the fact the "monster mash" was scheduled for our backyard and we've hit record highs (100+). Of course this week has been in the 80's but who knew that a month ago. So we did a quick switcheroo to a community center hosted swim party. It's great they provide EVERYTHING but a cake (and monsters). They even decorate! So I dug the half finished monsters from the heaping pile of stuff I call my "craft room" and went back at it...then my sewing machine started acting up. No fear monsters I am dragging you all over to my moms house to use her machine hoping she'll take pity and offer to help. Oh yeah I am also dragging all the cup cake stuff to bake those there too...sorry mom!

Wish me luck!
I'll post pictures and a tutorial Monday!!!

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